Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that Jesus still has a voice. We read His words in the Bible, and we assume that was it. But the truth is, He’s still communicating—often in ways that surprise us. The challenge is learning how to listen well, especially in a world that’s always hustling. Our schedules are packed, our phones never stop buzzing, and the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit can get buried under all the noise.
The good news is that Jesus keeps reaching out. He hasn’t given up on us, and He isn’t stumped by our distractions. One of the best ways to recognize His voice is to start with the simple question, “Jesus, do you love me?” Many of us sense an immediate “Yes” in our spirits when we ask. That alone can shift our day—knowing He sees us with such care and kindness.
We can all wonder if we’re hearing right: Is it God speaking or just our own thoughts? One helpful approach is to look for signs that line up with His heart. Does it match what we know about God’s character in Scripture? Do other mature believers sense the same direction? Is there peace, even if it leads us beyond our comfort zone? When we weigh these questions, it becomes easier to spot genuine nudges from the Lord.
In John 10, Jesus describes Himself as both the good shepherd and the gate for the sheep. He paints a picture of sheep pushing against a fenced enclosure, eager to enter a new pasture. We might not think of ourselves as “sheep,” but the point still stands: there are moments when we sense God is leading us forward. Maybe it’s a new calling or a deeper place of trust. Moving toward Him sometimes takes a bit of struggle—breaking through our fears or long-held assumptions. Jesus assures us that, as our shepherd, He wants to guide us to good pastures and a life brimming with His grace.
Jesus once said that the Kingdom of Heaven “suffers violence,” and that might sound strange at first. It isn’t about physical aggression. Instead, it’s a picture of hungry, determined faith. Think of people in the Bible who wouldn’t let obstacles stop them—friends ripping open a roof to get their paralyzed buddy in front of Jesus or a short tax collector named Zacchaeus climbing a tree just to catch a glimpse of the Lord. Their actions had some spark to them. God invites us to bring that same energy to our faith. Not a harsh or angry drive but a humble, passionate refusal to be distracted or defeated.
What This Looks Like
A Challenge for Today
If Jesus still speaks, how can we respond right now? Maybe that means laying aside a worry or old baggage so we can hear Him better. Perhaps it’s carving out a few extra minutes to pray before the day gets hectic. Or it might be asking a trusted friend to pray with us about something big that’s on our minds. The important thing is to invite the Lord to speak and then give ourselves space to listen.
Here are a few questions to consider:
It helps to remember that hearing from Jesus is never about trying to earn our way into His good books. It’s about realizing we’re already loved and wanted by Him. In moments of quiet—like during communion or just sitting in stillness—we can ask Him to refresh our hearts. Even a simple prayer like, “Jesus, I’m listening,” can open a new sense of peace and direction.
So, if you find yourself wondering whether He really cares enough to speak to you, take courage. His answer hasn’t changed: yes, He loves you, and yes, He has more to say. Our part is to stay ready for that quiet call, to pause long enough to hear Him, and to move forward in faith. Even if the path looks uncertain, we can trust that the One who laid down His life for us is guiding us forward. Jesus still speaks—and He’s eager for us to recognize His voice.